Build a world-class team
If your business has multiple employees in need of Cybersecurity Audit training, our online, on-demand group training solutions can be customized to meet your team's unique needs and goals. Our instructors are current-day practitioners and industry certified, bringing their proven cybersecurity audit experience and expertise to you and your colleagues.
Browse our exam prep resources

Cybersecurity Audit Online Course
With the increase in cyberthreats, it is critical for organizations to audit their cybersecurity processes, policies and tools to provide assurance that their enterprise has appropriate controls in place. Access over 8 hours of invaluable content covering all applicable domains. You’ll also earn 10 CPE upon completion.
US$649 Member pricing | US$749 Non-member pricing

Cybersecurity Audit Study Guide
The Cybersecurity Audit Certificate Study Guide is a comprehensive manual designed to help individuals prepare for the Cybersecurity Audit Certificate exam and to understand risk and implement controls to better protect against cyber threats. It also provides a practical desk reference for future use.
US$89 Member pricing | US$105 Non-member pricing

Exam Candidate Guide
Review the Exam Candidate Guide to learn about exam registration, scheduling, preparation, rules, administration, scoring, retake policy, proctoring and more.
Yes, You Do Need a Badge
ISACA’s digital badges are managed by Acclaim (Credly)—an enterprise-class badging platform, providing security and protection to your credentials. Once you have earned your certificate, you can display your abilities securely online, share your verifiable achievement with peers and prospective employers, and export them for display on other platforms and social media.