Making Our Mark on ISACA CommunITy Day 2020

Making Our Mark on ISACA CommunITy Day 2020
Author: Karey Barker, CISM, ISACA St. Louis Chapter
Date Published: 4 September 2020

ISACA Global has confirmed CommunITy Day is on this October!

Wait. What?! How will we come together as a global community to do local volunteer service during a pandemic? As a member of the ISACA St.  Louis Chapter, we just unanimously agreed that all chapter events are virtual-only for the 2020-2021 plan year. Can we pull off CommunITy Day again this year? 

Yes, we can, and we believe we can make it even better!
The second annual ISACA CommunITy Day on 3 October 2020 may look quite different than the first, but the St. Louis Chapter is bound and determined to do our part, as are many of ISACA’s 224 chapters around the world. We believe CommunITy Day helps make the ISACA experience more meaningful for our members.  By coming together in local service activities, we can make a collective difference positively changing the world.   

With the recent launch of One In Tech, an ISACA Foundation, the St. Louis Chapter will be serving a dual purpose this year. We will not only make a difference locally and globally, but we will be supporting our industry and the talent pipeline by hosting a charitable campaign on CommunITy Day.

One In Tech is the newly launched philanthropic arm of ISACA. According to the foundation, “One In Tech believes that all people throughout the world, as ONE, should have equity and inclusion IN TECH.” The foundation“ … believes that together, the tech community can create a digital world of which we’re proud to be a part, and a place where ALL people are safe, secure and most definitely equal.”

We believe, with conviction, this charitable campaign is now more meaningful than ever! On 3 October, the St. Louis Chapter will be encouraging our members to donate US$25 (the annual chapter fee that was waived this year) in support of One In Tech. The chapter will be matching that donation for its first 100 members. Together we will be contributing to the foundation’s goal of raising US$100,000 this November. Together, we are investing in the future of our industry.

Will you accept our challenge to get involved and give back? 
The St. Louis Chapter is not only challenging our chapter members, but we are also challenging all other chapters around the world to lean in. During this crazy pandemic year, with consideration for the health and safety of all members, new virtual opportunities, small group activities, and outdoor events enable each of us to take part in the larger effort while staying safe and healthy. Donating to your favorite cause (like One In Tech) and promoting your efforts in being part of the solution on 3 October can create lasting impressions.

There are so many ways to get involved. Some chapters are fundraising and conducting awareness walks; others are planting trees. Small groups are collecting and sorting donations for the needy; individuals may be creating artwork to cheer someone up. A few hours or a small donation can create a positive snowball effect that results in a major, collective impact. Follow our donation campaign on 3 October on social media using #ISACACommunITyDay, and we’ll be looking for your photos and videos, too!

CommunITy Day is on!

Editor’s Note: See what ISACA CommunITy Day activities are available to you or record your own community service hours for activities on 3 October. Learn more here: